Burabi Formula Milk Maker | Baby Formula Maker -Review

Burabi Smart Formula Dispenser and milk Maker


  • Quick
  • Perfect Temperature Everytime
  • Self-Cleaning
  • Safety Features
  • Accurate and Perfect Consistency
  • Can be used for Powdered Juices as well


  • Application is Slightly Tricky for Some Users

A Mother’s Journey: From Pregnancy to Postpartum Exhaustion

Motherhood is a wild ride for everyone that nature picks to experience. No two pregnancies are the same, no two children are the same and while friends may sit together and share their experiences, they will realize some of their experiences may overlap while others may vary significantly. 

There is always that friend who breezes through morning sickness and the one whose hair and skin go awry instead of getting glowy. Everyone’s labor story is equally unique. So is their experience with post-delivery. Some experience postpartum depression, some health complications, and some none at all. The one thing however that is the common denominator that every single mother on the planet has experienced and has been experiencing since time immemorial is quite simply – exhaustion. 

The feeling of having too much to do, and too little time to do it. Every new mother at one point is going to tell you how juggling a baby, a house, domestic work, professional commitments, and family gets so taxing and time-consuming that you start wishing for more hours in the day. 

If breastmilk is gold, extra time is diamonds. And if you’re a mother of three like myself who nature decides to surprise with a set of twins no less, extra time is an encompassing utopia. 

If I thought adding a child to the family was progressively more difficult, with twins the entire ballgame changed. The older three are somewhat independent in their daily tasks and the little ones are constantly being squished and smooshed by their siblings, but for me, time had no elasticity. The first three weeks in I was losing my mind desperate to find anything that could help automate so many of the daily chores. 

How the Burabi Smart Formula Milk Maker saved me time and sanity

A quick Google search led me to a list of smart products that promised to save time. The time
was money for me. There I stumbled upon the Burabi Formula Maker with App control. It promised to prepare a bottle of formula in 8 seconds. It sounded too good to be true. I remember deciding to time myself and how long it took me to make it. Twice. And even at my fastest speed the entire process of getting a bottle, measuring the formula, ensuring the temperature, checking for clumps, and handing it over to just one of the twins easily took more than three minutes. And God forbid if the temperature was off, then it was just a nightmare. 

Eight seconds? Sixteen seconds for two bottles? At that point I didn’t even care if it was a marketing gimmick or not, I just pulled my card and decided to purchase the thing. Thankfully, the automatic formula bottle maker arrived promptly on time. Ironically, it arrived when I was done with one bottle and was rushing like Usain Bolt to make the second bottle. So as soon as my older one received the package, I knew I wasn’t going to waste any time putting it to test. 

Features of Burabi Milk Maker

Wifi Enabled: 

This wasn’t the first time I was using a smart product but nonetheless, the ease of smart control surprises me every single time. The ability to control the device from my smartphone from two rooms away was just incredible. I would have even settled if the formula milk maker said it would make the milk in thirty seconds if the condition was, that I didn’t have to get up to do it. The first time I used the device I was sitting with my four-year-old helping her with math homework, and saw on the monitor that one of the twins was tossing. Guessing that it was time for him to wake, I whisked out my phone and pressed the command without leaving my daughter in the middle of her homework to rush. Like clockwork, the Burabi formula milk making machine, gave me the perfect temperature, properly whisked bottle within 8 seconds. Before my four-year-old even finished counting on her fingers. It felt God-sent because the mental load it took off was that I didn’t need to keep rushing between rooms and between children. 

Temperature Control: 

The gadget offers control for setting the milk temperature and capacity according to the user’s needs. Getting the temperature right on the first go was extremely convenient. More so because each of my twins preferred it at different temperatures. It’s going to be a very convenient feature for moms with just one infant as well, but in my case, it allowed me the luxury of getting the correct temperature each time, with just the click of a button. 

Child Lock Protection: 

Another feature I discovered that I began to use right from the get-go was the child lock protection. This was the ensure my extremely curious four- and five-year-olds do not fiddle with it, or its controls in their enthusiasm to make formulas for their newest little siblings. My five-year-old, relentless as he is, did try pressing every button he could see, but luckily the app was smart enough to alert the mom and I arrived promptly. I patted the Burabi Formula Maker for withstanding the test of pokes from an energetic five-year-old as well. 

Auto Cleaning: 

I lowkey had a feeling the product engineer was some exhausted mother herself when I discovered the auto-cleaning feature. It is a patented, instant heating device that heats water and dispels it to ensure the nozzles are cleaned out with high temperature from within to ensure no product buildup, leftover, or bacterial growth. This makes the device very hygienic to use as well and it’s a feature that can be used efficiently whenever the other washable friendly parts of the formula maker are being cleaned out. 

Reading reviews of the product made me realize there were mothers whose children had outgrown the formula stage but they were still using the product for making powdered juices and some were also using it to prepare supplement milk for the elderly in their house. All of these are promising features, none of which I have personally used yet but given my stellar experience, pretty certain a device that can wear multiple hats will be a hit with moms and caregivers everywhere.

Burabi Formula Milk Dispenser Machine, Formula Milk Maker – Automatic Powder Blending- Mix a Formula Bottle Easily and Instantly

This is a one-click smart milking machine designed to make baby feeding easier. The bottle will be ready in 8 seconds or less. You can adjust milk temperature, capacity, and concentration according to your needs. This machine has been equipped with a healthy instant heating device, and a patented and airtight formula container without the need to clean its outlet. I found this the best formula dispenser machine. Try this & make your life easier.

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